Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday Morning Coming Down

I woke Sunday morning and I decided to play at UB and at Poker Stars. My stack at UB is very low (~$40) after pissing away half of my already short stack yesterday. I bought into several sit-n-go's, but I didn't have the patience to play well. I busted early in each one by pushing weak hands. I did manage to get my stack up to $250 at Poker Stars yesterday, and I am quite happy with that.

This morning's session has gone well, especially at Poker Stars (I'm about even at UB). I won several nice pots. As of right now (I'm still playing), my stack is an all-time high of $276. I would like to build my stack there to arond $400 so that I can comfortably play $1/$2 as well as some of the higher stakes sit-n-goes ($10 and higher) and maybe even a bigger tourney (multiple table). One thing that I've definitely realized is... if I have the patience, I can dominate the lower stakes sit-n-goes at Poker Stars (and UB for that matter).

Today is going to be spent doing stuff around the house and shopping for baby stuff. That'll be expensive. Kelly wants to go to work for about an hour, and I'll use that time to play some cards. I'll probably play some more tonight, but we'll see. My focus is a little off right now; I've been winning, so I don't have the focus that I would if I had been losing.

By the way, I just finished by Poker Stars session. I won a few more pots, and my stack is now $287. Wow!


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