Thursday, July 21, 2005

Full Tilt, UltimateBet, and Harry Potter

I played very little Party Poker yesterday, perhaps winning $3-4 . For some silly reason, I decided to deposit $260 into Full Tilt Poker to take advantages of their 100% sign-up bonus. I am not sure if that was a very good idea. The bonus clears very slowly... so I am in wait-and-see mode here. I played quite at bit at FTP... I initially was up $20 but then I played a bad hand and lost most of it. Next, I suffered a bunch of suck-outs that had me down $20. In the end, I grinded my way back to about even.

When I got home, I started playing at Poker Stars. This was a rather uninteresting night where I finished about even. I also decided to play at UltimateBet where I played a low stakes no limit room and a $5+0.50 sit-and-go. I won about $7 at the no limit table and then I won the sit-and-go. I don't know for sure, but I think I've won 4 out of the last 5 sit-and-go's that I've played. The structure at UB is pretty good, so I think that I'll try and play more of them.

Finally, I finished the sixth Harry Potter book last night. I was very very impressed. The ending kind of reminds me of a comment by George Lucas regarding "The Empire Strikes Back" where he mentions that he put his characters in the worst possible situation at the end. This sets up the last installment in the series, where the characters have to solve all of these problems.


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