Friday, April 22, 2005

Leaks and Cold Cards

Yesterday was an interesting day from the poker perspective. I played well at Poker Stars and I finally have my stack at more than $100. I played reasonably well last night at Party Poker ($1/$2 limit), but it seemed like I had nothing but cold cards and bad beats for the first 2 hours. I did realize that a few of my leaks were making matters worse, so I tightened up a bit and managed to recover about half of my losses for the night. In summary, I lost somewhere around $35, which is not too bad. I am actually up-beat about the whole thing considering that I played very well for the last hour or so.

The hand of the night was very late (last 10 hands?). I was dealt QQ in early position and I raised. There was one caller, then a re-raiser, and then the big blind capped it; everyone called and four of saw the flop. For this game, I felt like at least one person had AK, KK, or AA (and possibly more than one). I literally said outloud, "please flop Q 2 2." I almost got my wish when the flop came K 2 2. The big blind led out, and everyone else called. The turn was a blank and I folded when the big blind led out. Curiously, one of the original callers raised here and the pot was then capped between this guy and the big blind. It also got capped on the river. The big blind flipped over KK and the other flipped over 22! I am sooooo glad that a queen did not come on the turn! I was drawing dead to runner-runner queens on the flop!!!

This weekend's big plan is to reload $400 into Party Poker to take advantage of their reload bonus. Hopefully, I can manage to at least break even and net $80 this way. I planning to 3 table at $0.5/$1.0 limit; I really am trying to tighten up my game and work my way up the limits.


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