Monday, December 19, 2005

Yet another change in plans

A few days ago I posed about my new plan for building my bankroll. I have somewhat abandoned that plan already. My rationale is that it involves playing too many different games, but I think I need to focus in on a single game and play it well. Very well.

I have decided to make that game $1/$2 limit (6-max). This game will totally test my patience and tilt control, but I think that it is very beatable. So far, I have won about 3 big bets per 100 hands, making tons of mistakes. I am trying to limit the number of tables I play (one or two) and I am focusing on post-flop play.

The swings have been amazing. For example, I made a few bad plays at the start of one session. My bankroll dropped from $50 to $30. Then I made a bad read, and it dropped some more. I then grinded for about 50 hands, losing down to $10. At this point, I reloaded another $50 so that I would not go bust (the table was weak, despite my losing). I then caught some cards and had my stack up to $87 in less than five hands. I quit the session after that (I was two-tabling), winning about $7 after being stuck more than $50 for most of the session.


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