Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The baby is screaming.... hmmm.... I think I'll raise

Last night, I discovered that my days as a semi-serious online poker player are now over. I have been running good lately at every site that I play and I totally wish that I could play more. Anyway, when I got home last night, I needed to watch the baby for awhile. No problem. It actually coincided with the WSOP on ESPN, so I laid her on my chest, convinced her to fall asleep and watched TV. My plan was to do this until 9 pm, after which I was going to play an hour of cards until I needed to go to sleep.

The session started out rather suspiciously. First hand, I flopped TPTK and lost to a set of two's. I won the next hand though and I was back to even. Eventually, I was playing four tables (two at Stars, two at Absolute) and I was grinding away. Things were going really well, except for when my KTo ran up against AA. Actually, that was not the problem. I figured that I was against an overpair. The problem was.... I flopped a pair plus a straight draw. I caught the straight on the turn, but this put a 3-flush on the board. I bet it because my K gave me the draw to the second nut. The final diamond came on the river, where my opponent turned over AA (with the nut flush). Crap.

But I digress. About the same time that crappy hand happened, the baby started screaming. Now, Kelly was taking care of everything, but still... she was screaming. I mean; she was SCREAMING! In the grand scheme of what is most important, my poker session ended right there. Bummer.


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