Thursday, September 01, 2005

Back to poker

I can definitely recall that I was once a profitable playing no limit. That was a long long time ago. I have tried a system of pushing nut-flushes, sets, and AA/KK preflop. Unfortunately, I have had bad luck with this approach as the last three times that I pushed with AA, I got beat. Each time, I got TWO callers and they caught a set while I did not. When playing "normal", I have been pushing preflop with weak hands (99 and JJ come to mind) and I am always against AA. I never improve. Anyway, my no limit sessions these days result in me going bust, usually in 30 hands or less.

Where am I going with this? Full Tilt Poker annouced a reload bonus for September, but to be eligible... you cannot have any existing bonus. So, I need to clear a little more than $40 of bonus of my original sign-up bonus. The biggest problem with that is my short stack (~$60). I need a bigger bankroll than that to play the higher stakes games so that I can clear it. It's all one big circular argument/problem. Make sense? I need more money to play higher stakes so that I can clear the bonus. But I can't deposit more money because I am not eligible for the bonus. Grr.

Anyway, I decided to try two tabling limit holdem ($0.5/1.00) while playing a low stakes (blinds: $0.05/$0.10) no limit table. I immediately went bust on the no limit table, further depleting my bankroll. Simply put, I need to learn how to lay down a hand. I am also probably playing some of my limit hands a little too aggressively. I don't seem to be profitable right now either. In limit, though, it is hard to tell. The win rate is so slow that a big hand here or there makes all the difference. That is, I grind grind grind and essentially break even, waiting for that one big hand where my opponent makes a big mistake and I rake in a big pot.

The good news is that I am about to clear $20 of bonus (they release it $20 at a time), which will help with some of my bankroll problems.


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