Saturday, August 20, 2005

Good poker but bad fishing

I played two short sessions last night, opening two tables at Party ($2/$4), one at UB ($0.5/1.00), one at FTP ($1/$2), and one at Stars ($0.5/$1.00). In the first session, I had a really nice win at Party (~$50) and smaller wins at each of the other sights (1-3 big bets). I then watched a movie with Kelly. After, I returned for a second short session where I won $30 at Party and $10 at Stars and a smaller amount at FTP.

I was supposed to go fishing this morning with my friend Todd. The plan was to meet at 6am at the public access. Todd had never been to this place, but I figured that it was on the map. Anyway, he never showed up. Either that or he showed up and left when he noticed that the canoe was not on my car. After arriving, I spent time paddling around just to explore. Anyway, I caught one fish (1.5 lb smallmouth bass) and then headed home. I need to get the oil changed on my car and I should probably have the tires rotated too. I also need a nap; I'm tired.


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