Tuesday, December 05, 2006

No Poker, Just Diapers

Well, it finally happened...

Last Thursday evening, I played poker for a few hours and then went to bed. I fell asleep around 10pm, but then woke up around 10:30pm when our 14-month old started crying. After settling her, I went back to bed. A few minutes later, I heard Mrs. Frazwood call from downstairs, "Fraz... Fraz... Come help me please." (No, that's not my real name). Her water had broken. So, we quickly called some friends to come over to watch our out-of-the-womb child, and then drove to the hospital. Six short hours later, I had a second child, this one weighing in at 8 lbs, 4 oz.

With the frenzy associated with all of these kids, I've hardly had any time at all to play poker. On Saturday night, I had about an hour of quiet time all to myself. I surfed the internet for much of that, but I also played about 40 hands of $0.05/$0.10 no limit hold'em at UltimateBet. I won $4, so that was nice.

To be honest, the break from cards has been good. I have figured out a few of my biggest problems. First, I have little stamina (i.e., I can only play my best game for 30 minutes or so) and I tilt easily. Second, I am far too aggressive. I am trying to win every hand and I need to learn to let hands go. Third, I am playing scared. When I'm dealt a big hand, I always put people on bigger hands. Anyway, when I get back to the game, I am going to try and play better. I want to slowly rebuild my bankroll, playing the mini-stakes for awhile until I have a bankroll sufficient to play the games that I used to play.

Until then, anyone want to babysit?


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