Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Harry Potter!

Let me begin this blog entry by saying:

It's my blog and I'll write what I want.

So, J.K. Rowling has said that at least two different characters will die in the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series. In addition, she has hinted that Harry might die also. I am re-reading the existing six books for like the 30th time, and I have some thoughts to add.

It is clear to me that the sixth book was intentionally written to confuse the reader as to whether Snape is a good guy or a bad guy. There is considerable dialogue regarding whether or not Dumbledore should trust him. I read something last night that has me completely convinced that Snape is a good guy -- Dumbledore says that when he destroyed one of Voldemort's horcruxes (Marvolo's ring) that he would have died except that Snape saved him. There is no reason why Snape would have done this if he was not a good guy.

Anyway, where am I going with this? I definitely think Snape dies in the final book. I cannot envision any other possible outcome for him, except perhaps that he is the ultimate hero at the end and that he becomes the new head of Hogwarts or something like that. He is far too immersed into the battle of good versus evil to survive (or conversely, to triumph completely).

Incindentally, I think my blog on Harry Potter is completely appropriate for my poker blog this morning. I am completely bored with poker and I need a break from it. I am playing poorly, making decisions too quickly, not concentrating, and not discerning the betting patterns of my opponents. I donked away a good amount of money last night and I'll continue to donk away money if I keep playing like this. I certainly won't be able to play much this upcoming weekend -- we're traveling to visit my parents.


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