Sunday, April 30, 2006

TGC and Party Poker Reload X 2

The weather here has been simply awful. It's been cold and rainy for two days and today looks like more of the same. In short, the perfect weather for online poker!

Yesterday, I completed my PSO promotion at The Gaming Club. I finished with $75 of profit (including a $50 bonus), which is quite a disappointment considering that at one point I was up almost $200 (without the bonus). Bad play and bad beats, however, cut into my profits. In the end, I am reasonably happy; $75 is $75 and I now have enough PSO points to purchase a gift certificate for my wife. This sounds silly, but it's always a good thing whenever I can put poker money in my wife's hands.

When I woke up this morning, I noticed at that Party Poker had a 40% reload bonus. I immediately signed-up and then went to the 2+2 forum to see what those donkeys had to say about it. Reading that forum, I learned that there were actually TWO Party Poker bonuses that were STACKABLE. This is almost too good to be true! I immediately signed up for the second Party Poker Reload bonus. Sure enough, I now can clear $200 worth of bonus money if I can play 2000 raked hands in the next ten days.

I played exclusively $0.50/$1.00 limit hold'em (full-ring) for my last Party Poker reload. I like the idea of playing only one game to clear a bonus. It's an interesting experiment and it helps keep me focused on playing my best game.

This time I have decided to play the first 1000 hands at 6-max $25 NL. I would like to play $1/$2 limit hold'em (full-ring), but my bankroll is a little short for that. If I am able to build my bankroll over the first 1000 raked hands, then I might try $1/$2 limit for the second bonus.


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