Monday, March 13, 2006

A Return to Poker Stars and the Party Poker Reload

I made a small deposit late last week into my account at Poker Stars. I don't know why, but I can't seem to win at this site. It's the only site out of the 10 or so that I've played where this is the case. Per normal, I managed to take some hideous bad beats and lose about half of my deposit fairly quickly.

I then decided to start playing $10 heads up SNGs. Not to brag, but I have played these absolutely great! Great play at heads up sometimes gets you nowhere, however, and after my first six matches I had won three and I had lost three. I kept getting my chips in the middle as a substantial favorite, but I would somehow manage to lose the hand (for example, I pushed with AQs and got called by J7o and lost) . That's poker, I guess. Since then, though, I have won at least five matches in a row. I feel like Mike Matusow: Vindication! One time!

The other "big news" is that Party Poker has a reload bonus offer. I scraped all of my online bankroll together so that I could [barely] qualify for a $100 bonus. I started off terrible, dropping $75 by playing like a donkey. I then started grinding, eventually finding a few weak players to pick on and I got back to even. I then went on a hot streak, winning almost $100 before cooling off. I am still annoyed at getting AA all-in preflop only to watch my opponent catch a set of kings. I have about 75 hands to go to clear the first Party Poker bonus. I am seriously considering trying to play 1500 raked hands to clear the second bonus. I am definitely not going to try to clear 2000 raked hands to clear the third bonus, if I get that far.


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