Monday, December 21, 2009

Peltier at Night

I had my first night ice fishing trip of the season. We went to Peltier, primarily because it was close. I hadn't ever fished there at night before, so I had no idea if the crappies would be active or not.

It was clear that something was active immediately, as we marked fish before we even put down a bait. Unfortunately, though, it was difficult getting them to bite. I think we spent the first 45 minutes without a bite. Carlos eventually caught a bluegill, about 30 seconds after we had decided to try a new spot.

I immediately caught two crappies (one 9 inch, one 7 inch) at the new spot and then Carlos caught one about five minutes later (8 inch). I then suggested that we try moving again, hoping to find aggressive fish at each new spot. Using this method, I eventually caught another really nice crappie (10 inches), as did Carlos (9 inches). Carlos also caught another small bluegill.

In the end, it was a OK night, with 5 crappies and one bluegill finding their way to my fillet knife.


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